Here is the link to Pod 1:

It was a pleasure to read and write peer reveiw for your group and thanks for sharing your interactive learning resource with us.

It is definitely a great job that impressed me a lot, so I’d like to share some of my thoughts. The whole web page is well-developed with its fonts, panels and, each section is well organized and distributed into various categories. Students should be able to collect informations effectively since the titles are really eye-catching to get a general idea of how this course will be carrying on. Moreover, the design is also inclusive as you declared that “This course is asynchronous…to accomodate individual’s need”, you also take possible language barrier into your consideration and provide various teaching materials to solve it.

The learning context and learning outcome are also explained in an explicit way showing that the purpose of why course meant to be edited and designed like this. I think the assessment is evened out, students will not be facing strong pressure yet still learn a lot from this course. I also notice that a forum and group summative project were created, such an approach can enable interaction among students and help them to reach the learning outcomes you set for them.

Overall, this course design is very interactive. I will be happy to see the final website!