As a student who’s majoring in economy, the best learning experience so far was the microeconomics 1 which I’ve taken in college. Why I said it was special, I guess simply because I just wanted to re-take it even I’ve got A grade. Unlike other courses, some professors would introduce the concept mostly through the lectures while we must take a lot of notes in order to memorize all of these. He’s using authentic assessment to address the concepts by relating all the concepts with daily examples thus those examples were like stimuli that helped me to recall the knowledge and not by rote learning. Authentic assessments are based in real-world relevance. Authentic assessments include activities that closely match real-world tasks undertaken by practitioners. (Concrad & Openo, 2018) In this way, the stored knowledge could last longer since I play a more active role of my own learning process.

Individuals have different levels of study ability in relation to the outcomes. Someone may do it poorly at the beginning but soon can recover to an excellent grade at the end of the course. On the syllabus, we were told that we can remove the worst midterm score if we are resulting in a better grade on finals.Because generally we assume that a learner’s ability will reflect on his/her final score, but we cannot quantify learning only infer from learner work. This method could eliminate the errors caused from observing scores as much as possible. In my perspective, this was a fair method to examine our outcomes.

In a well-considered assessment plan, which always includes three components: cognition, observation, interpretation. He provided us with a schedule or domain about what we will be doing each weeks, we were able to recognize and clarify the complex topics. After each quizzes or tests we will be asked for feedbacks, there were always a few specific adjustments he made afterwards based on his observation. It was really efficient.


Conrad, D and Openo,J. (2018). Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement Authenticity. Athabasca University Press.